
Blue lady

Acrylic on 70x100 canvas. Amsterdam 03/004.



Painted in the Spring of 2005.


Introducing Emilia Za

I come from the side of the sea

I come from the side of the sea, I’m ethereal, maybe liquid, transparent. Gentle and tender cherishing your feet when you slowly approach, or noisy and turbulent, violently alone. I come from the side of the sea, from the side of the far, from the side of the dark and empty night. I wave my hair towards you, sometimes away from you, I turn around in farewell to immediately turn back with a smile that opens in yours, tender and warm.

I come from the side of the sea and it is unimportant how many harbors I inhabited, how many ships I wrecked or how many men I wounded, because in coming from the side of the sea all is forgotten in the long miles traveled to encounter you.

I come from the side of the sea but I don’t curse the wind, the night, the sun, the discomfort of rivers and seas, or the quietness of my travels. Because coming from the side of the sea many dreams and beauties accompanied me, and many times I was reborn from within.

And when the day comes that I leave the sea I shall encounter you again in the eyes of a beggar. I will look at him beyond the embarrassment of a too prolonged look. He will take my frozen, small, tired body and within a mysterious magic he will invent a cover which will surround me with sweaty vapor and forest scents. And so, warm, protected, loved, I may again depart smiling at the loneliness of the wet night of the sea to tell you again, in another harbor, that I come from the side of the sea.

Emilia Zá, Jul. 2001
[Translated from Portuguese]